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Ontario set to ban vaping in places where smoking is prohibited.

No smoking no vaping

Law would also apply to medical marijuana users lighting up anywhere cigarettes are banned Ontario is set to ban e-cigarette and medical marijuana users from smoking or vaporizing anywhere regular cigarettes are prohibited. “We have made a determination that smoking whatever it is — whether it’s vaping, whether it’s medical marijuana, whether it’s cigarettes — that there should be restrictions … Read more

Ontario delays e-cigarette Vaping Ban


Banning vaping in stores would drive away customers, advocates say December 16th, 2016   The province is delaying its plans to ban vaping in public spaces, Ontario’s Associate Health Minister Dipika Damerla told CBC News in an exclusive interview. The province was all set to ban the use of e-cigarettes in public spaces, offices, businesses, and even … Read more

New vaping laws will cause major issues with Ontario vape shops

vape shop with chairs

New proposed vaping regulations by the Ontario government will cause major issues selling e-cigarettes in Ontario. Dec 28, 2015 Unless changes are made to the proposed legislation, customers will not be able to try out different flavours before they buy products at vape stores.   The latest round of smoking laws will be introduced in … Read more

Ontario Government to Restrict E-cigarette Sales

No Vape Products

In a surprising fast action by the Ontario government, they are planning on implementing a bill to restrict the use of electronic cigarettes and treat them similarly to tobacco cigarettes. This law which was introduced today (Monday, November 24th) will ban anyone under the age of 19 from purchasing electronic cigarettes in Ontario.  It will … Read more