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International Study Debunks Vaping-to-Smoking Myth

Close up of a hand ashing a cigarette in an ash-tray.

An international study completed by Queen Mary University in London discovered that vaping does not lead to smoking cigarettes. There have been many myths abound about the link between vaping and smoking. It has been a long-standing belief that vaping could act as a gateway to traditional cigarette smoking. Researchers discovered that there is no … Read more

E-cigarette & Vaping Studies

beaker filled with clear liquid

Vaping Studies Although the Canadian government has not bothered with its own toxicity studies, several Countries have done thorough research on both the physical results from e-cigarettes, nicotine levels in the body compared with tobacco cigarettes, and secondhand vapor results. Here are a collection of studies on e-smoking. How safe are electronic cigarettes? Health New … Read more

Vaping vs. Smoking: A Statistical Analysis of Health Impacts

hands holding E-cigarette vs cigarettes.

The Numbers Game I’ve always been a numbers person. Whether it’s due to my early days of playing online poker or my hyper-analytical mind, I’ve always broken down the data when dealing with a situation. Percentages, calculations, and projections; this is how my brain works. Perhaps I should have been an accountant. Let’s delve into … Read more

86.7 Million years of live saved if American smokers switched to vaping

Smoking vs vaping

Potential Lifespan Gains if American Smokers Switched to Vaping The Potential of Vaping A recent article published in Tobacco Control estimates that up to 6.6 million premature deaths could be prevented, equating to 86.7 million years of life saved, if current smokers in the U.S. switched to vaping. The Study by Dr. David Levy Dr. … Read more

Setting the record straight: Canada Vapes response to recent media.

Canada Vapes

RE: Health related vaping news: Over the past several weeks, there have been a great deal of news articles, reports, and social media posts surrounding vaping related illnesses and deaths in the United States, and more recently in Canada.   At Canada Vapes, we believe that knowledge is power.  We would like to take this opportunity … Read more