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E-cigarette & Vaping Studies

beaker filled with clear liquid

Vaping Studies Although the Canadian government has not bothered with its own toxicity studies, several Countries have done thorough research on both the physical results from e-cigarettes, nicotine levels in the body compared with tobacco cigarettes, and secondhand vapor results. Here are a collection of studies on e-smoking. How safe are electronic cigarettes? Health New … Read more

Study shows switching tobacco cigarettes for e-cigarettes reduces exposure to numerous toxins and carcinogens

Research Graphic

Exposure to Nicotine and Selected Toxicants in Cigarette Smokers Who Switched to Electronic Cigarettes: A Longitudinal Within-Subjects Observational Study A newly released study has now again proven what many of us were already aware of.  Smokers switching to vaping devices that contain nicotine but not tobacco will remove the deadly toxins found in tobacco cigarettes.   … Read more

Britain’s Royal College of Physicians agree – Vaping much safer than smoking

No Smoking Sign

Royal College of Physicians in Britain: Vaping Safer than Smoking In a significant development, the Royal College of Physicians in Britain has stated that vaping is safer than smoking, a fact that the vaping community has been advocating for years. The College is now encouraging smokers to use e-cigarettes, endorsing them as a safer method … Read more

Harm Reversal: E-cigs 96% Safer than Combustible Cigs

Harm Reversal

The University of Catania, Italy, has initiated a comprehensive clinical research program aimed at identifying early signs of sub-clinical injury in ‘healthy’ smokers who have transitioned to vaping, as well as those with pre-existing lung disease. The report states that the initial findings from this research are promising and generally support the beneficial impact of … Read more

Electronic Cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking – New Study Reveals

Quit Smoking!

Electronic Cigarettes will help you quit smoking says a new study.   A new study of almost 6,000 smokers over five years has shown that the use of electronic cigarettes will help you quit smoking.  Smokers are 60 percent more likely to successfully quit smoking if they use electronic cigarettes vs. other nicotine products such … Read more

Electronic cigarettes with nicotine “very similar to drinking coffee” UK Professor reports

coffee flavoured E liquid

Electronic Cigarettes effects are very similar to drinking coffee A UK professor has made a striking comparison between the effects of electronic cigarettes with nicotine and drinking coffee. This statement was made following a recent test conducted at Queen Mary University in London, England. The Test and Its Findings The test, supervised by Professor Peter … Read more