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Setting the record straight: Canada Vapes response to recent media.

Canada Vapes

RE: Health related vaping news: Over the past several weeks, there have been a great deal of news articles, reports, and social media posts surrounding vaping related illnesses and deaths in the United States, and more recently in Canada.   At Canada Vapes, we believe that knowledge is power.  We would like to take this opportunity … Read more

Oil in the lungs? Lipid laden macrophages? Know the FACTS about what’s in Canada Vapes e-liquid!


Misconceptions in Media Reports In recent media reports, there have been many misguided statements regarding the e-liquid traditionally used in e-cigarettes. Statements such as “Doctors found his lungs had become severely congested with solidified oil”(Source) and “lipid-laden macrophages,” calling them “oily chemicals” and making statements like “inhaling oil into your lungs” (Source) have caused fear … Read more

Vitamin E acetate found in the majority of illness causing vapes in the United States


Over the past several weeks various News sources have discussed a compound called Vitamin E acetate also known as tocopheryl acetate.  This fairly common vitamin supplement was found in the majority of cases involving serious illnesses and even (at the time of this writing) seven deaths. (Source)  Many mainstream media sources are jumping on the … Read more

Doctor states vaping bans are “A Tremendous overreaction” to vaping related illness

What is overreaching?

Overreaction to Vaping-Related Illness: A Doctor’s Perspective In recent weeks, there has been widespread news about various government sources threatening and even implementing vaping bans. This reaction has been triggered by the deaths of seven people and serious lung illnesses in up to 400 individuals, all linked to vaping. Several governments worldwide are eager to … Read more

Diacetyl causing “Popcorn Lung” is overblown media hype


Diacetyl and “Popcorn Lung”: Overblown Media Hype Introduction: In recent months, the term “Popcorn Lung” has frequently appeared in media discussions, particularly concerning the flavoring used in e-liquids for e-cigarettes. Numerous news sources, including some mainstream outlets, have claimed that e-liquids containing diacetyl could lead to a respiratory disease known as bronchiolitis obliterans, commonly referred … Read more

British Columbia Proposed Legislation


OUR Two cents: The typical responses that have been touted around by our government continues with this legislation.  “We don’t know what is in them, therefore let’s ban them” and “they may be a gateway for our youth to start smoking”.  Both of these statements have been proven false again and again, yet our government … Read more

Big tobacco wants into the Vaping scene in Canada

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OUR Two cents: This is not a surprise to us, and is something that has happened in other countries, including the US, and Europe.  In the United States, Blu e-cigs was purchased by Fontem Ventures, a subsidiary company of Imperial Tobacco.  Using the Blu brand, Imperial tobacco now sells vaping supplies in the US, UK, … Read more

Study shows switching tobacco cigarettes for e-cigarettes reduces exposure to numerous toxins and carcinogens

Research Graphic

Exposure to Nicotine and Selected Toxicants in Cigarette Smokers Who Switched to Electronic Cigarettes: A Longitudinal Within-Subjects Observational Study A newly released study has now again proven what many of us were already aware of.  Smokers switching to vaping devices that contain nicotine but not tobacco will remove the deadly toxins found in tobacco cigarettes.   … Read more

Britain’s Royal College of Physicians agree – Vaping much safer than smoking

No Smoking Sign

Royal College of Physicians in Britain: Vaping Safer than Smoking In a significant development, the Royal College of Physicians in Britain has stated that vaping is safer than smoking, a fact that the vaping community has been advocating for years. The College is now encouraging smokers to use e-cigarettes, endorsing them as a safer method … Read more