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Two major bans of e-cigarettes in Canada.

You're banned!

Over the course of the last two weeks there have been two different city bans imposed on electronic cigarettes in Canada. Vancouver bans e-cigarettes in ‘public spaces’ The first took place last week in Vancouver, where city councilors voted unanimously to ban e-cigarettes in public spaces, as well as banning the sale of e-cigarettes to … Read more

Toronto board of health to review a ban on electronic cigarettes

Union park

Toronto Board of Health meeting to discuss banning electronic cigarettes The Toronto Board of Health is convening a meeting to deliberate on a potential municipal ban on electronic cigarettes, equating them with traditional cigarettes. This implies that vaping or the use of electronic cigarettes could be prohibited in public parks, bars, restaurants, and any other … Read more

Doctor Reports “Using electronic cigarettes as dangerous as fruits, vegetables and fish”

Bowl of berries

E-cigarettes: As Harmless as Fruits, Vegetables, and Fish? In a recent interview featured on a European News video on Youtube, Dr. Phillip Prelle, a staunch supporter of e-cigarettes, made some noteworthy statements. The Elimination of Tobacco’s Big Three Poisons Dr. Prelle pointed out that e-cigarettes have successfully eliminated the three major poisons found in tobacco: … Read more

Cool Interview with Original Inventor of E-cigarettes – Herbert Gilbert


Many believe the original inventor of the e-cigarette was Herbert Gilbert back in the 1960’s. I was able to find a really cool back and forth interview with Herbert, discussing e-cigarettes, his design and ideas, as well as his thoughts on the future of e-cigarettes. Many thanks to James Dunworth for this interview. JD: Herbert, … Read more

E-cigarettes could save hundreds of millions of lives, scientists tell WHO

Education Graphic

Health authorities continue to view e-cigarettes as a threat, but experts cite potential for harm reduction More than 50 public health experts and nicotine experts, including five Canadians, are urging the World Health Organization not to classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products, because they say doing so could jeopardize a “significant health innovation” that could save hundreds … Read more

American Medical Association updates view on E-cigarettes

American medical Association Logo

AMA’s Updated Stance on E-cigarettes The American Medical Association (AMA) has expressed its support for an FDA proposal aimed at bridging the gap in federal regulations concerning the purchase, labeling, packaging, and advertising of electronic cigarettes. This was announced by the incoming AMA President, Dr. Robert M. Wah. He emphasized that this new policy will … Read more

Top Scientists Warn WHO Not to Stub Out E-cigarettes

two guys

Top Scientists warn World Health Organization not to classify electronic cigarettes as tobacco products. LONDON (Reuters) – A group of 53 leading scientists has warned the World Health Organization not to classify e-cigarettes as tobacco products, arguing that doing so would jeopardize a major opportunity to slash disease and deaths caused by smoking. The UN … Read more

Electronic Cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking – New Study Reveals

Quit Smoking!

Electronic Cigarettes will help you quit smoking says a new study.   A new study of almost 6,000 smokers over five years has shown that the use of electronic cigarettes will help you quit smoking.  Smokers are 60 percent more likely to successfully quit smoking if they use electronic cigarettes vs. other nicotine products such … Read more

US to ban e-cigarette sales to minors — is Canada Next?

US and Canada

After many years of neglect, the U.S. food and drug administration has finally proposed a rule that would ban the sale of e-cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18. In our humble opinion, this is something that should have been addressed years ago. This long-awaited proposal would be the first federal regulation of electronic … Read more